Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mommies' Day

I think Ekiel was more excited about Mother’s Day than I am. He brought back a paper flower and a heart shaped card from school last Friday and proudly present them to me. I know he was pleased with himself because he was giving me the half crooked smile with the twinkle in his eyes. *grins* I could hear him scampering inside before I got in to the house. I imagine he was looking for the flower and card which he dumped after coming back from school. I know my boy so well.

Yesterday, in church, the senior citizens sold flowers for the occasion as well as to collect funds for their home. When he and my sister went to get the church bulletin, he saw the flowers and asked my sister to buy them but my sister did not bring her wallet with her. They came back and he asked for money to buy them but when they went there, the counter was closed because the mass was about to start. He was so upset, he stomped his feet and sat with his legs folded and he put his hands together with both index fingers pointing outwards on his forehead. He looked as if he was in deep meditation and before I know it, he fell asleep.

When the mass was almost over, I woke him up and told him we will go and see if the flower counter is still there. With his eyes still shut, he replied angrily, “They’re closed mommy! No more flowers for you!” but there was an announcement that the flower is still available so I told Ekiel that. The moment he heard that, he smiled, opened his eyes widely and jumped on his feet.

My brother bought one flower for my mom but my son gave it to her and insisted that the flower is from him. He chose a red rose for her and a pink one for me. The funny thing is he won’t let me put my flower down because according to Ekiel, “No more love afterwards”.

Before I had Ekiel, I always wanted to have children. I would love them and care for them and it would be rewarding and all. But I never I imagine to experience this overwhelming love and joy just by being Ekiel’s mommy and for that I am humbled.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mommies and soon-to-be mommies out there!!!
You are the GREATEST!

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