Friday, April 11, 2008

gives back...

American Idol Gives Back. I know some people think it is just a gimmick and what not, but you must be a hardcore cold-hearted person not to be affected even the slightest bit. I am softie. I only watched the last fifteen minutes and I was holding back my tears miserably.

I cannot understand nor can I explain the many things happening to the world. I still stand by my “everyone is someone else’s moral story” theory, but I find it hard to accept that some people’s life are forever a moral story when there are many people who are blessed in many ways wasting and whining their life away. All I am asking is a little equality.

It reminded me to change my attitude about the mess in my life. Other people have bigger problems (though some people have minuscule one) and I should enjoy the life I have. When people give me peanut; I should make peanut butter instead of using them to lure unnecessary headaches in life.

I love these songs.

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