Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ask and you shall receive

My new obsession on anything wedding still creep me out sometimes. However, when I was assigned with a new task which is wedding related, I rolled my eyes for the amount of headache I have to live through and then I laughed out loud, well in my head that is, because it is just so funny. *claps hand* The Universe is such a comedian, don’t you think?

“Ask and you shall receive”
My aunt said that as I left for work this morning.
In the car, I cannot erase that phrase off my head. I kept thinking what she said and she is right. Provided what you ask for is within reason and is for the good of every one. And no, asking to hit the Jackpot and donating a little sum to charity doesn’t count!

This year, I made two special prayers.
One is happening real soon *fingers crossed*.
The other one, well, we’ll talk about that one of these days.

So people, do not be afraid to ask.
It doesn't hurt to try.

1 comment:

vsk said...

"ask and U shall receive.."
that's my dad's statement last time... then we all really get the meaning of it.. lol..