Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Do I look like a freakin’ princess who never stepped foot in the jungle or crossed a river for that matter? *rolls eyes*People always assume I never go hiking or camping because of my size, but seriously people, I know I can do many things other skinny people cannot do. Can all of you bend and touch your toes? I don’t think so. *chuckles*

*sighs* I am tired of people’s perception of me. Why do I care so much? Honestly? I don’t know. I guess the older I get the more insecure I feel about myself not only as an individual but as a mother, etc. 31 years old with nothing to brag about. What happened?

Someone told me work satisfaction is not about the money. Well, when you have to put up with the drama, the headache, the heart ache and people waving their job description every time there is additional work to do when you are already choking with work that is not in your own JD, you’ll get frustrated when you see your sad bank statement every month end and that same people waving their JD showing off their newly bought ugly shoes.

So don’t tell me your sad grandmother story.

Now, don’t go and tell the whole world that I claim to be the only competent worker in the organization. This is not true because I know I am not. You may however, go tell the whole world that at least I do try my damnest best despite my whining and grumpiness.

Fyi, I “enjoy” service share/points. Economy not so great, so yeah.

I’m okay people. Don’t worry. I’m just saying you know.
To counter this whining entry, …

Ekiel: Mommy, can I change my name?

Me: No. What’s wrong with your name?

Ekiel: I want to change larr.

Me: Change to what?

Ekiel: Rockstar.

Me: *chuckles* So you don’t want to be F1 driver anymore larr?

Ekiel: Want. I F1 driver, Ekiel Rockstar

ME: Suka hati kau larr Ekiel.

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